You do not need to be a member of the DWA to access the services below. However, all are chargeable and most involve third party experts. The nature of the charges will depend on individual requirements and in the case of deactivation work and legal services, will be agreed with the third party expert.

If you require a firearm that you legally own to be deactivated or redeactivated to the current specification, the DWA can provide contact details for an experienced, DWA approved gunsmith.
Effective deactivation involves a number of different processes including drilling, cutting (milling), grinding, pinning and welding. Even if you have this skillset and have a good knowledge of firearms, the work done has to follow detailed guidelines in order to be accepted by a UK Proof House

Firearms law in the UK is complex. If you need advice legal advice or counsel, then securing the services of an expert in firearms law is essential.
The DWA's honorary solicitor is Laura Saunsbury of Lewis Nedas Law. Laura heads up their firearms team, is a very experienced criminal solicitor and has excellent links with the leading barristers and expert witnesses in this field. Click the logo below to visit the Lewis Nedas website

If you require an appraisal for an individual item or collection for insurance, probate, etc. the DWA can undertake this on your behalf.
The DWA will provide an itemised appraisal on headed paper based on a proforma that the customer fills in. This service is charged on a sliding scale based on the number of items to be appraised with all proceeds being used to fund the DWA's admin and promotional costs